Thank you for visiting my website. Websites are great places for sharing information. You can learn about me and my books and I can learn about you. I hope you will write to share your thoughts and ideas.
I love writing books for kids. And I love presenting to them. Interacting with children helps me understand their interests and how and what they learn.
As a former teacher, I understand what teachers and school librarians want from an author’s visit. I use an interactive reading/discussion approach to involve children and excite their curiosity. I link my presentations to current issues such as immigration, bullying, and social responsibility. A theme that runs through much of my work is that one person can, and often does, make a significant difference. By involving the children in examining these issues, I try to help them think about the way they interact with friends, family and the community at large.
I have a PowerPoint presentation for each book, with images that bring the stories to life. For example, for The Last Train, a Holocaust Story, I have pictures taken by the American soldiers who liberated the death train. My presentation for Working for Freedom, the Story of Josiah Henson, includes pictures that are excellent for Black History month. For Ice Cream Town, my pictures include historic photos of New York’s Lower East Side, and Ellis Island. For my latest book, The Ship to Nowhere, on Board the Exodus, my presentation includes pictures of the historic ship, the refugees on board and my protagonist, Rachel and her family.
In addition to writing, I teach workshops including one on the difference between fiction and non-fiction and a creative writing workshop that I call “Painting with Words,” on how to make stories come alive.
I’ll be updating my site with new books, activities and teachers’ guides. Please come back often. And call me to come to your school or library. I look forward to meeting you in person.